Why Youths Should Support Umo Eno
Are you a youth and tired of hanging around politicians singing, "You are a Leader", just to get small pocket money?
Are you tired of roaming around aimlessly eating crumbs from those whose only plan for you is to dash you urgent 2k?
Are you tired of the bloody fights, ugly scrambles and violent altercations anytime a big man lands or drops something for the boys?
Then it's time to vote for Pastor Umo Eno - the only Governorship Candidate that offers a solution to the problem.
To salvage the youths and prepare them for a meaningful future, Pastor Umo Eno's ARISE Agenda is constructed to have youths meaningfully engaged.
As part of his Education Advancement objectives, vocational training in various sectors , such as, Masonry, carpentry, industrial welding and fabrication, plumbing, fine arts, music, film production and movie making, fashion design, industrial shoemaking, hairdressing, auto mechanic, among several others will be emphasised by Pastor Umo Eno as Governor.
This will be a major way of connecting the dots between our past and the future, as the Dakkada Skill Acquisition Centre, ikot Ada Idem comes on board and the Ibom Science Park vision is reinvented.
Akwa Ibom has been known as the largest construction industry in Nigeria. Pastor Umo Eno desires to stop the outsourcing of skilled labour and artisans to mop up the employment opportunities.This will be achieved as he pursues the ARISE Agenda goals of Agricultural Revolution, Rural Development, infrastructural Maintainance and Expansion, Security Management and Education Advancement.
Training the youths and capacity building is how to truly empower the Youths.
Support Pastor Umo Eno. Vote PDP.
Build the Youths, Build the Nation.