Oh Uyo! A New Skyline Is Coming
The ARISE Agenda is the grundnorm of the action plan for the development of Akwa Ibom State going forward. It is a documented vision conceived by the Governor-Elect of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno.
It bears repeating that the ARISE Agenda is enumerated as implying:
- A - Agricultural Revolution
- R - Rural Development
- I - Infrastructural Maintenance/Advancement
- S - Security Management
- E - Education Advancement
However,. It is actually a comprehensive and multi dimensional plan of action to constructively meet the wholesale progressive development of the State. It is a detailed template for the future Akwa Ibom, Pastor Umo Eno sees and will work to accomplish during his tenure.
The emphasis is on rural development by growing opportunities that will meaningfully employ the people and improve the standard of those living in rural areas.
The strategy is to connect the dots of infrastructural expansion, healthcare delivery, education and poverty reduction with decentralising development to the Local Government Areas. The top objective is to arrest rural - urban migration.
However, Pastor Umo Eno has unveiled plans for the expansion of the State capital, Uyo, into a major Cosmopolitan city. Developing suburban satellite towns with six storey, highrise buildings is at the core of this vision.
The highrise buildings will in the coming years under Pastor Umo Eno's watch dot the skyline of a suburban Uyo and not just the lone Dakkada Tower.
The highrise buildings would be made available for owner- occupier purchases to our civil servants, investors, middle class families and companies that want to own staff quarters.
Let's get rid of the misconception that the ARISE Agenda is a fox hole that will limit the focus or performance of Pastor Umo Eno who by the Grace of God and the support of the good people of Akwa Ibom State is the elected next Governor.
His vision is broad based with subplots for quick win developmental projects. Folks', don't allow the antics of those who claim the Court will truncate the victory march of Pastor Umo Eno trap you in a futile dream.
Resist being deceived by their grandstanding and posturing that Umo Eno will not be sworn into office as Governor. Flee from them. Support and pray for Pastor Umo Eno to succeed and take Akwa Ibom State to the next level God had predestined. He won free, fair and credible elections with a landslide and no gimmick or craftiness would change that.